
Shopper Marketing

Western Union Delivers Via “Rio 2” Partnership – July 1, 2014 You’d expect maybe a cereal, beverage or candy brand to be a perfect partner for the release of an animated film like “Rio 2.” But Western Union? (more)  

Beta Beat

City Startup Market Prophit Curates the Tweets Bankers Read to Strike Gold – June 16, 2014 There are, on average, 350,000 tweets sent per minute. That comes to 500 million tweets per day. Market Prophit, a New York City based start up, is looking for the stock market signals among all of those tweets. Founder Igor […]


Why Two Iconic Brands Went To The Birds, Literally – June 3, 2014 Bananas and ketchup anyone? How about some dark chocolate and parmesan cheese? History is replete with examples of uncommon pairings, shall we say and not all are of the food variety. Heck you can look at my wife and I for a classic […]

The Wall Street Journal

Money Managers Look for New Ways to Profit from Social-Media Monitoring – May 22, 2014 The opportunities presented by social media continue to grow for money managers, who are in a race to find ways to profit from troves of new data and its potential influence. (more)


Javelin ID’s Finovate trends of PFM, investments, authentication – May 7, 2014 Last week’s FinovateSpring 2014 conference showcased new products and technologies for financial institutions, and Javelin author Mary Monahan picked three trends from the crowd in a May 2 blog post. (more)